SEN Offer

Special Education Needs
SENCO- Miss Bo Chang
At Cookridge Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, we aim to be a fully inclusive school and provide high quality education for all children, including those identified as having ‘special educational needs or disabilities’. We believe in the importance of quality first teaching for all pupils but recognise that some pupils may require additional support to enable them to access the curriculum and make progress in all areas of the learning and development. All members of staff undertake regular training delivered either by the Local Authority or within school to ensure that expertise in school is current and meets the needs of the children. We have good links with a range of outside specialist agencies, including The Educational Psychology Service, STARs Speech and Language Therapists and Physiotherapists. We recognise and value their expertise, assessment and support.
We understand that each child is unique and we tailor support depending of the nature and level of need of the child. We have a variety of provisions and support for children to access which are implemented in consultation with parents, and in line with the graduated approach.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact the school office.
SEND intent
At Cookridge Holy Trinity, our intention for Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that all children receive a high- quality education, regardless of need or disability. We believe that effective practice for learners with SEND, is effective practice for all.
Through high quality planning, teaching and provision we:
-Ensure that all staff are aware of the importance of early identification and intervention for SEND to maximise outcomes and progress early on.
-Have developed a broad and balanced curriculum that all pupils can access either through differentiation of the learning or by supporting their understanding.
-Make adaptations to the learning environment which meets the needs of individual learners.
-Provide the opportunity to access a life skills curriculum, to develop social skills and independence.
-Have a robust system of monitoring progress with SEND, using a child centred approach and involving parents and external agencies, as appropriate.
-Provide high quality and relevant training for all staff members focusing on the needs of the children, Local Authority approved interventions and evidence- based practices.
-Foster and nurture partnerships with parents, carers and families.
SEND Implementation
At Cookridge Holy Trinity, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. We implement an inclusive, child centred curriculum enriched by our collaboration within school staff at all levels and with external agencies.
At Cookridge Holy Trinity, pupils with SEND will:
-Be included in all aspects of the day.
-Be provided with quality first teaching, differentiated to their needs.
-Be respected and a valued member of the school community.
-Be well cared for by adults who know then well.
At Cookridge Holy Trinity, pupils with SEND may:
-Access a specific intervention or small group work to support an area of development. This could be phonics, maths, social skills, lego therapy.
-Use visual symbols, fiddle toys and overlays to help with their day to day learning.
-Have support from our learning mentor or intervention teacher working on specific targets.
-Receive support from a speech and language therapist either from the NHS or from Chatter-bug.
-Be able to spend time in our nurture provision at lunch times and break time.
-Be invited to join in with enrichment activities such as touch typing, yoga, art club and gardening club.
-Be seen by other professionals including Occupational therapist, SENIT, Educational Psychologist, medical professionals.
SEND Impact
As a result:
-Children at Cookridge Holy Trinity feel happy, safe and included.
-All children are respectful of difference and diversity is celebrated.
-Children show a high level of engagement in all lessons.
-Children have trusting relationships with adults in school.
-Children with SEND make good progress from their starting points.
-Children have high expectations of themselves and want to succeed.
Special Education Needs Offer
Dyslexia Information
Vision and reading clinic link
Dyslexia support- Yorkshire Dyslexia
Autism Information
Cygnet parenting group referral form