
View our archived photos to see what’s been happening in school – recent photos can be found in the Classes/Photos section


Read all about life at Cookridge Holy Trinity Church of England (VA) Primary School

Ofsted Report

See our latest Ofsted and SIAMS Reports

Cookridge Holy Trinity C of E (A) Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors to share this commitment

Welcome from our Headteacher

It is with pleasure that we welcome you to this exciting and vibrant learning environment and thank you for showing an interest in our school.

Every school has a unique character and at Cookridge Holy Trinity we pride ourselves in providing a warm, welcoming and inclusive environment in which your child will develop as an individual, and achieve their true potential.

We are very much part of the local community and are recognised as a friendly, welcoming place which is popular for parents and their children.Led by our Christian Values we uphold a Christian Ethos where each individual is valued as a child of God and where education of the whole child is catered for.


As a Church of England school, we are distinctive in that we foster an environment built on Christian beliefs, mutual respect and valuing differences.  Whilst your child is a member of Cookridge Holy Trinity, they will experience exciting learning opportunities through our extensive creative curriculum.

We have high expectations of the pupils both socially and academically.  We aim to provide young people with the experiences they need to develop into successful learners; confident individuals and compassionate citizens of God’s family.

We have a talented, caring and committed team who assist every child to achieve their full potential. who believe in the best for every child as a unique child of God.

I hope that you find the enclosed information useful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further details or would like to arrange a visit to school to see for yourself the calm and productive working environment that exists within our school.

Latest News

Year 5 Debating

Year 5
Year 5 were developing their oracy skills in english, where they learnt about the different roles in a debate. The children debated various motions and had the opportunity to try…

Year 5 Oracy and debate skills

Year 5
We have begun to develop our oracy skills in debate to enable us to speak and listen clearly and confidently. We used our voices to share ideas, explain our thinking,…

3R’s Cave Art

Year 3
In Art Year 3 have created Stone Age style cave paintings using natural coloured paint and twigs!


There are no upcoming events to show.


Our School Value This Term is Trust

The Best For Every Child
Governors, staff, parents and children are committed to providing the best education for each child. We feel that this statement encapsulates what Holy Trinity is about. We seek to provide the best education and experience of life for each child according to their individual needs and aspirations.


Our School Value This Term is Trust

The Best For Every Child
Governors, staff, parents and children are committed to providing the best education for each child. We feel that this statement encapsulates what Holy Trinity is about. We seek to provide the best education and experience of life for each child according to their individual needs and aspirations.