Cookridge Holy Trinity
Church of England (VA) Primary School

The Best For Every Child -
a Unique Child of God.

Green Lane, Cookridge Leeds, LS16 7EZ
Telephone: 0113 2253 040

Robinwood, Day 2

Good evening everyone.


Day one, night one, down. Day two began.  An update from the night team told us that there were a few restless children, a few missing home, and a few who thought 5am was the best time to get up and get dressed; is a 13 hour day not long enough already?

Breakfast was on everyone’s mind next.  A full English breakfast, toast, cereal and yoghurts were some of the options.  I went for: beans, scrambled egg, sausage, bacon and hash browns– delicious. Plenty of tea and orange juice too.

First up for Volcano, Dune, River and Lava groups were the challenge courses and then canoeing.  We played lots of team games in the lake involving a game were we had to hook balls out of the water with our paddles and throw them into the instructors’ canoes.  Needless to say, we got soaked from those shots that didn’t quite make it.  Thanks, children!

Desert group started their day with a bit of Robin Hood in Robinwood in the archery range followed by an intense session of climbing.

Whilst we took part in some great activities (giant swing, zipline, dungeon of doom, lunch (that’s an activity here with the size of the meals)), the highlight of my day was the nightline where the team had to be blindfolded and undertake a challenging obstacle course.  It culminated in a tense battle between the instructors and children around the ball pit.  Children armed with inflatable balls, instructors armed with a spray bottle of water and laser-sight.  We were outnumbered heavily.

Dinner was huge, I had lasagne with garlic bread and a salad with a blackberry cheesecake for dessert.  The children were so jealous of our portion sizes but we deserved it.

One more activity to go and then we all came together for the team challenge.  The teachers were, yet again, perceived to have come last and, yet again, we heavily disagreed.

At this point, everyone was on their knees and yearning for their beds.  It’s a very long day here and the eyes of each child told a story of exhaustion, teachers too.

Tomorrow, we get a brilliant lie-in for our troubles and breakfast starts at 8:30!  We’re all looking forward to coming home but so happy and grateful for the time we’ve had here.  Expect some over-sized cuddles from your children tomorrow.


Goodnight and we’ll see you at school between 3-3:30.

The Year 5 team


4 responses to “Robinwood, Day 2”

  1. Claire says:

    Great updates sounds like you have all had an amazing time! If not exhausting!

  2. Abigail Blacker says:

    Thanks for such a great update! Sounds like an amazing adventure. Hope you all get a better (full) night’s sleep ?

  3. Florence Young says:

    I want to go back I loved it and my favourite part was the giant swing and the zip line but I’m sorry to say but the canoeing was definitely not my fave! From Florence young 5E

  4. Jo raven says:

    Finn said his time at Robin Wood was “amazingly brilliant” .. he has talked non stop since he came home ..I even heard about the piranhas eating the clothing ? ?…There wasnt any part of it he didn’t enjoy . Thankyou to the whole team for making these amazing memories with a special mention to Mrs Marriott who Finn said was awesome !!!

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