The Masked Reader

Welcome to the Masked Reader!

As it’s World Book Day various members of staff wanted to read you a story, but something doesn’t look quite right about them in their videos…! Can you work out who the readers are AND which book they are reading? Click on the photos to watch the videos and use the clues below to help you.
Answers will be revealed on Friday.
Good Luck!

1. I enjoy reading whilst I drink cups of Yorkshire tea.

2. Aragog is my least favourite mythical creature because I hate spiders.

3. When I’m travelling I listen to Harry Potter audio books on repeat!



1. I teach on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

2. I have long blonde hair.

3. My favourite colour is blue.



1. I love being eco-friendly.

2. I’m really good at eating marshmallows!

3. I have a poem published in a book.



1. The front cover of the book is yellow – this is not my favourite colour!

2. I read this story at least once week to the 2 Es.

3. I was born in Norfolk where there are lots of cows and sheep and pigs in the fields.



1. “Is there such a word as ‘gunna’?” – A question I ask a lot!

2. You’ll often hear me us the phrase ‘Quick sticks!’

3. I love to eat chocolate.



1. I have a cheeky puppy named after a flower.

2. I like the rugby and you’ll find me cheering on England!

3. You can find me on the gate at the start and end of the day.



1. I often have a pen in my hair.

2. I have 2 dogs.

3. I really like gardening.



1. Mr Piggywinkle lives under my desk.

2. I drink faaar too much hot chocolate.

3. I have taught English in Mexico with Miss Collinson.



1. I like gardening and flowers.

2. I love being around animals.

3. I always try to be kind.



1. I love biscuits.

2. My name sounds like the leaves blowing in the breeze.

3. I work in year group 100-97.



1. I have worked at this school for a long time.

2. Some children might know me as an owl outside school.

3. I have two dogs.